Welcome! This marks our first blog entry for thestorkbag.com – we’re super excited to share this with you! We always enjoy sharing learning tips and resources, especially so far as being an entrepreneur and a mom, so we’ve put together a few tips on becoming a successful mompreneur. You might currently be a mompreneur, or aspiring to be one; you may just be looking to improve transition careers and transform your family’s life.
As mothers, we face all sorts of demands on our time, along with family obligations. Adding the work of being an entrepreneur on top of all of this can seem overhwleming. It means facing many challenges, but the rewards can be well worth it!
Here are a few tips to help you get started:
Write Those Goals Down! Would you hop in the car and go on a road trip to a place you’ve never been without a GPS or map? No, so why would you venture into such a huge life decision without direction? Launching a business is a significant undertaking. Writing down your short and long term goals can make it much easier to decide on the strategy to take to achieve those goals. This may not be a BIG secret to some of you but just simply writing a list is the easy part: sticking with it, strategizing correctly to get to your goals and pivoting as needed is key.
Persistence! Firmly continue, even when you encounter difficulty. No explanation nis eeded for this one. The secret is to find out what your driving force is. What will keep you going when sales stop coming in consistently? What will keep you going when everything seems to be going wrong? If you’re driven solely by the money, you should pause and take some time to reconsider your motivations. Find your inspiration and recall that each time you want to quit – but always be sure to temper this with a realistic view about the risks of failure.
Share. There’s more than enough for you, your competitor and your community. The secret? Being an entrepreneur is NOT all about me, me, me. It is about connections, genuine connections. Share without oversharing.
Teamwork Makes The Dream Work! The secret: not everyone will make a good teammate: find the ones that you can trust and who aren’t afraid to use their voice. You need go-getters on your team, especially in the beginning. You’ll encounter enough “yes men” as your success progresses.
Be Different. If social media is saturated with a plethora entrepreneurs in a particular field you want venture into, what are you going to do to stand out? What makes your brand more unique than theirs? The secret: have a unique story. Perfect your value proposition and illustrate it as best you can to your audience. Take it and own it.
This list certainly isn’t exhaustive, but we’re sure that it can help you get started. And remember, you don’t have to go it alone! There are many great learning resources for female entrepreneurs. The Stork Bag members are eligible for exclusive perks on female leadership courses from our learning partners at Sylibi.com.
Do you have questions or comments? Simply e-mail hello@thestorkbag.com.
-The Stork Bag Team